A 100% VA disability rating is not easy to receive. Getting a 100% rating requires that you prove to VA that you meet specific criteria spelled out in the disability handbook listing for your injury or illness. These criteria often require you to present medical...
Social Security has made several updates to its disability program for 2019. These changes, while minor, could affect your eligibility if you are applying for SSDI or SSI, and they might impact your benefits if you are already receiving disability. The updates include...
The maximum Social Security disability benefit for 2019 is $2,861, an increase over the 2018 maximum benefit of $2,788. The estimated average monthly benefit for disabled workers receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) increased from $1,197 in 2018 to...
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reevaluates your disability in two situations. The first occurs when it receives new information suggesting that the severity of your condition has improved since you began receiving benefits. The second is when it...
Being married can affect your United State Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability benefits, as can having other dependents in your household, such as children or elderly parents. If you are on VA disability and support a spouse or dependents, you may qualify...
If a soldier gets hurt in basic training, they can receive disability, as their injury would be connected to their military service. To qualify for benefits, however, they must have an injury that meets VA’s definition of a disability. A cut or bruise that heals...
If you are on United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability and get sent to prison, you will continue to receive disability checks. They will most likely be reduced in amount, however, depending on the duration of your prison sentence, the class of your...
The VA disability pay schedule is used to determine the amount of your monthly compensation when you are approved for benefits. When the VA grants you disability benefits, it assigns you an impairment rating from 0% to 100%, in increments of 10%. Your rating on this...
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sets specific eligibility requirements for VA disability. You must have served in the military and not received a dishonorable, other than honorable, or bad conduct discharge. You must have an illness or injury that appears...
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides benefits for veterans who become disabled due to an event during their military service. These are known as VA disability benefits. As a disabled veteran, you can qualify for monthly compensation, free healthcare,...