Our country’s service members make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country and freedom across the globe. Since these brave men and women put their own lives on the line for others, they should be taken care of when they are injured in their line of duty. Though the Social Security disability system promises to protect these individuals, there are often complications when trying to obtain benefits. We hope this post will help injured military men and women better understand the claims process.
In order to qualify for Veterans Affairs disability, you must suffer from a disability that is service-related. Additionally, your discharge cannot have been dishonorable. When filing for disability, it is imperative that you have complete documentation of your disability, including medical records proving your disability. Once you have submitted the appropriate paperwork, then the claims process can begin.
The good news is that you may qualify for up to $3,100 a month in benefits if your claim is approved. Typically, the more serious your disability is then the higher your benefits. Unfortunately, though, many initial claims are denied for various reasons. When this happens, it may be best to consult with an experienced Tennessee attorney who understands veterans’ issues and knows how to navigate the disability claims system.
War-related injuries can last a lifetime. You might be left without a limb, unable to walk, or with serious mental health issues. No matter the injury, if it was suffered while serving in the military, you may be entitled to benefits. This compensation can go a long way towards helping you acquire the long-term medical care you may need, as well as provide for your family. The process is not always easy, but it may be made easier with the help of a dedicated and compassionate legal professional.
Source: Military.com, “Veteran Disability Compensation,” accessed on Dec. 22, 2014