If you or a loved one has recently suffered a disabling injury or been diagnosed with a disabling illness, your concept of time can change dramatically. Daily activities can be defined by medication schedules instead of work schedules; running errands can change from quick stops to hours-long tasks; long-term planning may refer to planning for next month instead of planning for next year.
However, time is just as important in these situations as it has ever been. In fact, many people find that they think about time more than ever, particularly when it comes to disability benefits. For instance, recipients of SSDI can be concerned about how long they will be able to collect their benefits.
Generally speaking, people can collect SSDI benefits for as long as they suffer from a disabling condition and are unable to work, according to the Social Security Administration.
This is not the same as saying benefits will be paid indefinitely. Medical conditions can improve and financial circumstances may change to the point where a person is no longer eligible to receive SSDI.
Knowing that you should receive SSDI benefits for as long as you are disabled may come as great relief to people who have already dealt with the complicated and frustrating timelines associated with applying for benefits, filing an appeal and waiting to receive the first payment. Having the reassurance that you can expect to receive a certain amount of money at a certain time for as long as you are eligible can allow you to focus on your well-being.
However, if you feel as though your benefits have stopped unfairly or are concerned that they will stop for some reason, acting fast can be crucial. An attorney can help you understand your options to protect yourself and your benefits.