Attorneys helping TN and other veterans seeking benefits

by Apr 13, 2016

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Service men and women from Knoxville and all over the U.S. give their all to their missions, and in doing so, some end up suffering from a disabling condition. Their bravery should be honored, and one way we do that is to allow them to apply for government benefits, including Veterans Administration (VA) benefits and Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, to help them get by financially if their disability keeps them from working.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the Veterans Administration is a separate entity from the Social Security Administration. These two administrations do not work together when it comes to a veteran’s application for benefits. There is a separate application process for each agency. While a veteran can act as his or her own advocate when applying for benefits, it may help to have an attorney assist with the process. An attorney can not only protect his or her client’s interests, but an attorney may also be able to help a veteran secure an approval of benefits.

For example, the professionals at the Disability Advantage Group, devote their practice to helping clients obtain SSD benefits. They have represented many veterans in such efforts. If a veteran is also applying for VA benefits, they will work together with those who are helping the veteran with his or her VA application, as well as working with any physicians involved in the veteran’s care.

Veterans who are suffering from disabling conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, amputations and traumatic brain injuries are just trying to adjust to life as a civilian. The last thing they need is to be burdened with the paperwork, telephone calls and other hassles associated with applying for SSD benefits. An attorney can take care of these details for his or her client, so the client can focus on his or her health and well-being. Our firm’s webpage on VA and SSD benefits may provide veterans with more information about how an attorney can help in such endeavors.