One’s disability benefits may not last forever

by Jul 12, 2016

Home » FAQs » One’s disability benefits may not last forever

It is understandable that no one receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits wants the benefits to end, especially if they still feel they are needed. But, there are a number of reasons why the Social Security Administration (SSA) will determine that an individual is no longer qualified to receive benefits.

As touched on in a previous post, the SSA will periodically review an individual’s case to determine if the individual’s medical condition has improved to the point where they no longer qualify for benefits. However, there are other instances in which one’s disability benefits may cease.

For example, if a worker has received vocational training or technology that will allow them to go back to work and earn enough to put them above the income levels set by the SSA, then that person’s benefits may cease. It makes no difference what state they live in. In addition, if the SSA determines that they erroneously decided that an individual should receive benefits, the individual’s benefits may cease.

If an individual refuses to follow their physician’s orders, with regards to treating their disability without good cause, and the SSA determines that if the individual would be able to work if he or she followed the doctor’s orders, then the individual may no longer receive SSD benefits. Also, if an individual provided the SSA with false or misleading information with regards to their application for benefits or if the individual refuses to cooperate with the SSA, then the individual may no longer be eligible for benefits.

Finally, if an individual receiving benefits is able to go back to work, and that individual’s average monthly income rises above the substantial gainful activity level set by the SSA, then that individual’s benefits may end. It is important to keep in mind that what constitutes a substantial and gainful income changes annually, so it is important to know what the current amount is if one is working.

If the SSA decides an individual no longer meets the requirements for receiving disability benefits, and the individual disagrees with that decision, all is not lost. The individual can appeal the SSA’s decision, meaning the SSA will examine the individual’s case again. If this is the case, though, an individual may want to consider working with a Social Security Disability attorney, to ensure they understand both the SSA’s decision and how that decision can best be appealed.