Government benefits are crucial to the lives of people all across Tennessee. They can make the difference between being able to pay for basic living essentials and suffering through life without them. Considering how vital they can be to your well-being and the well-being of your loved ones, it is important to use all the resources available to pursue these critical benefits.
One such resource is knowledge about the Social Security system. For example, there are limitations and restrictions in place that can prevent a person from qualifying for benefits. Knowing what these restrictions are can help you assess your options and avoid spending too much time pursuing the wrong benefits. In this post, we will look at Supplemental Security Income eligibility.
To begin with, there are financial considerations to make. Unlike SSDI, you do not have to have contributed a certain amount to Social Security through employment to receive SSI. However, you cannot have assets or income in excess of a certain amount to qualify for SSI. These benefits are reserved specifically for people with few resources and a very limited income.
Secondly, a person will not be eligible for SSI if he or she is not determined to be disabled, over 65 or blind. The age and blindness requirement should be straightforward, but proving that a condition is in fact disabling can be a serious challenge. If it cannot be proven to the Social Security Administration, SSI can be denied.
Finally, you typically cannot collect SSI if you fail to meet other requirements. You can be denied SSI if you are not a U.S. citizen, if you live in a public institution or if you have been convicted of a crime and violate a condition of your parole or probation.
If, after reading this blog post, you believe that you qualify for SSI, it can be crucial that you talk to an attorney about the process of applying for them. Even if you do not think you are eligible to receive these benefits, there are others for which you may qualify. Discussing your options and the process of pursuing Social Security benefits with an attorney can help you navigate the complex government benefits system.