Many medical conditions or illness come under the umbrella of social security disability. These medical conditions included physical and psychological diseases. The social security administration gives the social security disability benefits to such people who are suffering from an illness that made them disable. Due to the disease, people’s abilities are affected, and they are not able to perform their daily routine tasks and are not able to do a job. To help such people, the social security disability department comes forward and helps them financially.
To make it easy to understand whether you fall into the category of SSD, the Social Security Administration launched a Blue Book. This book listed all the medical impairments and the criteria to be eligible for Supplemental Security Income.
SSI list of conditions and impairments:
The Social Security Administration keeping in mind the conveyance of the persons categorized the diseases according to the function of the body. In the Blue Book, you will find separate lists for kids under the age of 18 and adults. You can easily find the Blue Book on the SSA website.
In the listing of impairments, you will find the diseases under different body functions. The broad categories are the cardiovascular system, digestive system, endocrine system, genitourinary impairments, hematological disorders, immune system disorders, malignant neoplastic diseases, mental disorders, multiple body system impairments, musculoskeletal system, neurological problems, respiratory system, special senses and speech, and skin disorders.
Few common illnesses under the above mentioned broader categories are listed below:
- Blood clots
- Heart failure
- High blood pressure or hypertension
- Artery disease
- High cholesterol
- Congenital heart disease
- Colon cancer
- Gastrointestinal hemorrhaging
- Hepatitis
- Bowel incontinence
- Gastroparesis
- Liver disease
- Wilson’s disease
- Ulcers
- Diabetes
- Pancreas transplant
- Thyroid gland disorder
- Hyperglycemia
- Obesity
- Kidney transplant
- Kidney failure
- Chronic anemia
- Chronic liver disease
- Multiple myelomas
- Liver transplant
- Hemophilia
- Sickle cell disease
- Systemic vasculitis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Lupus
- Brain cancer
- Acute leukemia
- Cervical cancer
- Breast cancer
- Benign brain tumors
- Lymphoma
- Pancreatic cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Sinus cancer
- Burns or soft tissue injury
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Autism
- Memory loss
- Drug addiction
- Schizophrenia
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic insomnia
- Dwarfism
- Back pain
- Clubfoot
- Bone cancer
- Amputation
- Degenerative disc disease
- Hip replacement
- Joint pain
- Arthritis
- Scoliosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Neck pain
- Paralysis
- Spinal cord injury
- Polio
- Parkinson
- Seizure
- Non-convulsive epilepsy
- Stroke
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Asthma
- Lung transplant
- Chronic restrictive ventilator disease
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Loss of speech
- Retinitis pimentos
- Vision loss
- Psoriasis
- Chronic skin disease
Is it required to have a medical condition that is listed in the Blue Book?
If your medical condition is not listed in the Bluebook, don’t worry. It is not compulsory for applying for SSI that your illness is mentioned on the list. You must know that your medical condition comes in determinable medical impairment. It is a medical condition that is evaluated upon the medical lab and clinical tests.
You can apply for SSI if your residual functional capacity (RFC) has been affected by your medical illness. The disability examiner evaluates the efficiency of your RFC by carrying out a few tests, and on the bases of those test results, he decides that whether you are eligible for SSI or not. The RFC also includes your body limitations or restricted body posture. For example, if you are having a problem in bending down, your ability to handle the pressure or anxiety, your hand’s movement and etc. Furthermore, the examiner takes your medical history, reports, and the RFC into account before making any decision.
Evidence and Impairments:
For getting the SSI, you need to provide evidence or proof of your illness. For most of the diseases, you can go for laboratory or clinical tests, but in some diseases, it is not possible. For example, in the mental impairments to provide evidence is the most difficult task. As it can’t be proved through a lab test. For this, you need to follow the given instructions to provide the evidence. For instance, you need to limit your interactions with others or measuring your sustaining focus. But it cannot provide scientific or authentic proof.
In this situation, the disability examiner contacts with your physician or psychiatrists. The examiner discusses your medical history with him and takes your doctor’s stance on your diseases and their seriousness. He confirms from the doctor whether he examined you mentally and physically or not. To justify that you have a disability and qualify for the SSI, the disability examiner relies heavily on your medical notes provided by your doctor.
It might happen that your SSI claim denied because the disability examiner is not agreed on the point that you have impairment disease. In this case, you can go for an appeal. And can present your case again. But before the appeal and hearing, you must consult with an attorney who has command over SSI.s
Medical evidence you need to show to SSD:
While applying for a Social Security Disability claim, you need to submit a few medical documents along with your application if demanded. These medical documents are actually taken as evidence of your illness and to understand the seriousness of your illness. These medical proofs include physical examination report from your physician or a doctor, MRI, treatment details, CAT scan, blood work panels, X-rays, and mental health records. One thing must be sure that all the test reports must be recent. You must have your whole medical history along with you. Remember one thing that your reports must show the seriousness of your illness that is stopping you from performing your normal job duties.
The social security disability administration is here to help you. If your illness has made you vulnerable and you are not able to perform your daily work, you can possibly receive benefits from SSI. You can apply for SSI if you have an illness that is listed in the Blue Book. You must have your whole medical history and recent medical test reports as evidence of your disease before applying for SSI.
Do you need assistance applying for SSI?
The Disability Advantage Group has an experienced team who can help you with applying for SSI. We will guide you through the process every step of the way. Contact us, or call us directly (865) 566-0800 to get started.