Struggle for veterans lasts longer than a day

by Feb 6, 2015

Home » FAQs » Struggle for veterans lasts longer than a day

Earlier this week on Veterans Day, people all over Tennessee took some time to honor our veterans by posting messages on Facebook, volunteering to help a veteran and thanking those who served our country.

Sadly, this outpouring of support and gratitude isn’t something people offer every day and many of the issues and obstacles veterans face go unseen or ignored. For instance, veterans in the U.S. often struggle enormously with mental and physical conditions as a result of their time in the service. And while they and their families typically qualify for financial support of some kind, it can be frustratingly difficult to access these benefits.

One of the last things people want to do when they are dealing with serious health problems is to go through the stress and anxiety of fighting to prove what condition it is they are suffering from.

Unfortunately, this is what people need to do when they are seeking disability or veterans’ benefits. In order to collect financial support, people need to apply for them and go through the process of collecting service records, medical reports and other evidence establishing that their condition is disabling and connected to military service.

In some cases, these applications are approved and people can start collecting benefits. In other cases, the application is denied for any number of reasons. In still other cases, veterans find that while they are receiving some benefits, they are not receiving all they feel they are eligible to receive.

This is why many people work with an attorney when it comes to pursuing the many different benefits available for veterans and their loved ones. If you are in this situation, you likely don’t know what options and rights you have when it comes to securing financial support. Our firm is prepared to help people learn more about their situation and what they need to do to maximize the compensation and benefits for which they qualify.