A disabling injury or illness can easily take over a person’s life. Every day can involve tasks specifically aimed at trying to cope with or adjust to a serious condition and there can be overwhelming frustration, fear and anxiety to also contend with.
Because of this, it can be a challenge to focus on anything besides your health or your loved one’s health. A disability can have far-reaching implications on other areas of life, however, and it is crucial not to ignore these areas or put off exploring them. If you are disabled, you should have a clear understanding of when Social Security benefits can be pursued to ease the financial strain of being unable to work.
Timing is crucial when it comes to collecting Social Security disability benefits. According to the Social Security Administration website, you should apply for benefits as soon as you become disabled. Applying for benefits sooner, rather than later, is important, as it can take several months to process a claim. Waiting until your financial standing becomes dire could mean that you end up without any type of support.
Timing is also crucial when it comes to planning ahead. For example, this article in Forbes explores the challenges people face when their living situations will be changing in the future. With proper planning and knowing what options exist in terms of the types of benefits available, you can maximize the amount of money available. In some cases, it may be wise to suspend benefits or file for different benefits at different times.
Of course every situation is different and every case involving disability has the potential to be more complex than people realize. There are considerations that must be made in terms of age, dependents, type of disability, retirement goals and work history in order to determine what may be right in any given situation.
Seeking legal support is one way to get the answers and information you need to make these types of decisions. Again, timing is critical: Discussing your options sooner rather than later can be of great benefit to disabled people and their families.