Dealing with a disability or a condition that prevents you from working and providing for yourself is stressful. You might know that there are options available for benefits or aid, but do not know how to access it or even begin looking for answers.
If you have limited income and resources and suffer from a disability or blindness, you may qualify to receive a certain kind of benefit provided by the Social Security Administration. Similarly, elderly people with limited resources and work histories may be eligible, as well. The specific program that provides benefits for this subset of people is called Supplemental Security Income. The primary difference between social security disability and retirement benefits and supplemental security income is that eligibility for supplemental security income does not require work history.
The process of applying for these benefits is very fact- and detail-specific. Working with our firm gives clients access to attorneys who are experienced with the process and have the knowledge necessary to explain how everything works and how a person can qualify. The income requirements are very important to eligibility for SSI and are different from the other benefits programs offered by the Social Security Administration. We can help clients determine whether or not he or she qualifies before beginning a lengthy application process.
The medical determination aspect of applying for SSI can also be complicated, but we can help clients describe his or her condition and present the case in the most effective way possible. We understand that some people may have limited resources at their disposal, so we work on a contingency basis so that clients do not have to pay anything out of pocket-and clients do not pay unless we achieve a favorable result for them. If you have further questions about how we can assist you in obtaining critical financial support due to your inability to work, please visit our webpage.