Woman with multiple medical issues loses her SSD benefits

by Aug 29, 2016

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When a person in Tennessee has an illness, condition or injury that renders them unable to work and earn money, the worry they will experience can be suffocating. A lifeline that many seek and receive is Social Security Disability (SSD). While some might relax when they are approved for SSD benefits, it must be remembered that the Social Security Administration (SSA) can terminate benefits for a variety of reasons. When this happens, those who were denied Social Security or lost their benefits must understand their rights to try and appeal, or have the decision reconsidered and the benefits reinstated.

A woman who lost her SSD benefits is trying to determine why it happened. The woman, a single mother of two and former teacher at a nursery school, began receiving her benefits in 2014. She was awarded $707 each month.

According to her, she was suffering from the infection osteomyelitis. As a result of the infection attacking her spine, she had four metal plates inserted into her lower back. She also says that she has rheumatoid arthritis, as well as an unknown medical issues with her lungs.

In December of 2015, she was sent by the SSA to see a doctor to decide whether she was still disabled. She showed the capability to perform certain tasks one time, but could not do them over and over.

Two months after seeing the doctor, she was informed that her benefits would cease. This was based on the SSA determining that her health had improved sufficiently. She appealed, but has not heard back yet. Luckily, while the appeal is pending, her benefits will continue until a decision is made.

When a person seeks and is approved for SSD benefits, it does not mean they will receive them forever. The SSA periodically sends a claimant to have a medical examination to see if the benefits are still required. If the illness, condition or injury is deemed to have improved sufficiently for the claimant to go back to work, then it is possible that the benefits will stop.

Those who are facing the possibility of losing their benefits, or were denied in their initial application, need to understand the details of how to restart their benefits or appeal a denial. Having legal assistance is a key to following all the rules for this type of circumstance.

Source: WATE, “Oneida woman’s Social Security disability cut off, despite no change in condition,” Don Dare, July 13, 2016