Social Security Disability Benefits For Schizophrenia

Some people are able to keep schizophrenia under control and carry on a normal work life, thanks to medication and close monitoring by health care providers. Others with any variety of schizophrenia are unable to work at all.

Perhaps you arrived at this website after working for a number of years with your schizophrenia well managed, only to have it worsen. Your symptoms may prevent you from returning to work after a hospitalization or flare-up of symptoms such as delusions, disorganized thinking, flat affect and other negative manifestations of the mental illness.

Our SSD Attorneys Can Document Your Case And Prepare For Appeal If Needed

Proving that you are qualified for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits because of schizophrenia may be more difficult than expected. SSD lawyers at the Disability Advantage Group, in Knoxville, have abundant experience representing people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

If we take your case, it means we agree that you should be approved for SSD benefits. We can present compelling evidence in support of your application in such a way that Social Security Administration (SSA) officials clearly see why your disorder meets the definition of a disability.

You May Be Approved On The Basis Of Multiple Impairments Including Schizophrenia

Perhaps your schizophrenia is manageable some of the time, but you have other disorders that are also manageable sometimes and not so other times. Our approach, if we represent you, may include documenting multiple impairments that keep you from working full-time.

If we represent you in an SSD benefit claim, we will do so on a contingency basis. That means you will not owe us attorneys’ fees until you receive a lump-sum payment of back benefits.

Request A Free Consultation At The The Disability Advantage Group

Contact the Disability Advantage Group, at 865-566-0800 or email us to request a free consultation