How to Get Disability Benefits for Chronic Migraine Headaches

If you have chronic migraine headaches that are so debilitating that they impact your ability to work, make a living, or carry out daily living activities, you may be eligible to receive Social Security disability benefits. Social Security has two disability programs, one for working Americans, the other for people with limited incomes and assets. Both programs provide monthly compensation for qualifying disabilities.

A Social Security disability lawyer from the Disability Advantage Group, can help you start collecting benefits. We offer a free consultation and case evaluation. A member of our staff will review your situation and let you know how we can help. If you decide to work with us, you do not have to pay us a fee until you start receiving disability benefits.

To speak with a member of our team today, call us at 865-566-0800.

The Social Security Disability Lawyers at the Disability Advantage Group Can Help You Apply For and Receive Benefits for Chronic Migraine Headaches

At the Disability Advantage Group, we have a long track record of helping clients apply for and receive Social Security disability benefits. If your chronic migraine headaches keep you from working, we will help you collect medical evidence and put together a compelling and convincing disability application.

In order to receive Social Security disability, you must meet both the medical requirements for your specific condition and the financial requirements for the disability program you are seeking.

To meet the medical requirements, you can either show that you satisfy the criteria of a Blue Book listing or that your condition limits your functional capacity to the same degree as a Blue Book condition.

The Social Security Disability Blue Book

The Blue Book is a master list of medical conditions that the Social Security Administration (SSA) automatically considers for disability approval. Under each condition in the Blue Book is a list of qualifying criteria. If you have a diagnosis of the condition, meet every criterion in the list, and meet the financial requirements for the program to which you are applying, then the SSA should approve you for disability.

Chronic migraine headaches do not have a listing in the Blue Book. That means you cannot qualify for automatic approval based on your diagnosis. But you still have ways to get approved for benefits. The first is to qualify based on a different condition. If your migraines are the result of a separate ailment, and that condition has a Blue Book listing, then you can use it to get approved.

The second way to get approved for disability for chronic migraine headaches is to complete a residual functional capacity (RFC) test.

Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Test

The RFC test is an evaluation that your doctor completes and that you submit to the SSA along with your application. It measures how your chronic migraine headaches impact your ability to work and carry out daily living activities. It is called “residual functional capacity” because it measures how much you are capable of after the effects of your condition.

A successful RFC test is one that makes it clear that your chronic migraine headaches create the same functional limitations as a condition listed in the Blue Book. We want to show the SSA that because of your chronic headaches, you are unable to sustain meaningful, gainful employment.

The SSA does not grant benefits for partial disabilities, so it is essential to show a functional impact so severe it prevents you from working. Our attorneys will collect evidence and make your claim strong, whether you meet a Blue Book listing or not. Call 865-566-0800 today to set up a free case evaluation.

Income and Work Requirements

The medical qualifications are one of two hurdles you must clear to receive Social Security disability benefits for chronic migraine headaches. You also must meet the income and work requirements for the program to which you are applying.

The SSA administers two separate disability programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSDI resembles insurance in that only those who have paid into the system may collect benefits. SSI is a means-tested benefit program for the needy. The medical requirements are the same for both programs. But the income and work requirements differ greatly.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

SSDI requires you to have a minimum number of “work credits” to be eligible for benefits. You accumulate these credits each year by working, earning income, and paying Social Security taxes, which get deducted from your paycheck automatically. Your age at the time of disability determines the number of work credits required to receive SSDI. The younger you are, the fewer credits you need.

A Social Security disability lawyer from the Disability Advantage Group, can review your financial records and work history, and determine if you have paid enough into the system and have enough work credits for SSDI. If not, we can explore your options for applying for SSI.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI exists only for people with a demonstrated financial need. In order to qualify, you must prove that your income and assets do not exceed certain limits. However, you can exclude certain types of income and certain assets. The rules are complex, but a lawyer can review your finances and determine if you qualify.

On rare occasion, a person may qualify for both SSDI and SSI. When this happens, there is no rule preventing you from collecting both. Our attorneys can discuss this possibility with you if applicable.

Call 865-566-0800 Today for a Free Social Security Disability Case Evaluation With the Disability Advantage Group

The attorneys at the Disability Advantage Group want to help you start collecting Social Security disability for your chronic migraine headaches. To receive a free case evaluation with a member of our staff, call us today at 865-566-0800.