How To Get Disability Benefits For Lewy Body Dementia

The second-most common form of progressive dementia behind Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia causes problems with memory, thinking, and motor control, impairing your ability to work and carry out daily living activities. If you or someone you love received a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia, you may be eligible to apply for and receive Social Security disability benefits. A lawyer from Disability Advantage Group can help.

The dedicated legal team at Disability Advantage Group connects disabled workers with the benefits they deserve. If Lewy body dementia has taken away your ability to work, we can help you secure compensation in the form of disability benefits. Our attorneys have a strong track record of fighting for our clients’ rights. We do not collect a fee until you recover benefits.

For a free consultation with a member of our team, call 865-566-0800.

The Effects of Lewy Body Dementia on Your Work Capacity

Like all forms of progressive dementia, Lewy body dementia causes your cognitive abilities to decline over time. It can come on slowly, causing early symptoms that make life difficult but do not completely disable you, and then progress into an all-encompassing condition, removing your ability even to carry out the most basic of living activities on your own.

The early warning signs of Lewy body dementia are varied but may include:

  • Visual hallucinations
  • Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (tremors, impaired movement, rigidity)
  • Dizziness
  • Falls
  • Lack of bladder or bowel control
  • Confusion or declining attention span
  • Physically acting out dreams while sleeping
  • Depression
  • Apathy

Lewy body dementia, like other forms of the disease, is caused by the buildup of certain proteins into brain tissues. These deposits form plaques and “tangles,” preventing the brain from effectively sending and receiving signals and nerve impulses.

Risk factors for developing Lewy body dementia include age (it is most common in people over 60), gender (men are more susceptible), and a family history of the condition.

To discuss your eligibility for Social Security disability based on Lewy body dementia, call Disability Advantage Group at 865-566-0800 for a free consultation.

The Social Security Disability Listing for Lewy Body Dementia

The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) disability “Blue Book” includes a listing for neurocognitive disorders. The listing specifically mentions Alzheimer’s and other forms of vascular dementia. If you have a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia, and your diagnosis meets the diagnostic criteria in the Blue Book listing (provided in the following section), the SSA considers you eligible for Social Security disability.

If your diagnosis does not meet the criteria, you can still get approved for benefits by completing an RFC exam.

The RFC Exam

RFC stands for residual functional capacity. In place of satisfying a Blue Book listing, you can qualify for Social Security disability by undergoing a specific type of medical exam that measures the functional capacity left over in the wake of your injury or illness.

A residual functional capacity exam for Lewy body dementia would focus on your mental and cognitive capabilities. If the results of the exam make it clear that you can no longer sustain meaningful gainful activity, you can get approved for disability even without meeting the Blue Book’s criteria.

To find out more, call Disability Advantage Group today for a free consultation: 865-566-0800.

The Blue Book Criteria for Lewy Body Dementia

To satisfy the Blue Book listing for Lewy body dementia, your diagnosis must show a cognitive decline in one or more of the following areas:

  • Complex attention;
  • Executive function;
  • Learning and memory;
  • Language;
  • Perceptual-motor; or
  • Social cognition.

In addition, your condition must have persisted for at least two years in a serious and persistent manner, requiring ongoing medical care and showing minimal improvement.

Alternatively, you can qualify by showing a cognitive decline from the above list as well as an extreme limitation in one, or marked limitation in two of the following areas:

  • Understanding, remembering, or applying information;
  • Interacting with others;
  • Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace;
  • Adapting or managing oneself.

Qualifying for SSDI or SSI

Depending on your income, assets, and work history, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or both.

Qualifying for SSDI

SSDI is disability insurance administered by the SSA. It is reserved for applicants who have worked and paid a sufficient amount into the system via their payroll taxes. The program has no income and asset limits, but you must have enough work credits, earned by receiving income and paying taxes each year. If you never worked, or you have a sporadic work history, you may have an easier time qualifying for SSI than SSDI.

Qualifying for SSI

SSI is a means-tested disability program designed to support people with limited income and assets. Instead of work requirements, it has caps on how much you can make and what your net worth can be. If you make too much money or have too many assets, you will not qualify for SSI.

Our team can review your financial documents and determine if you qualify for SSDI, SSI, or both. It is rare for a person with a valid disability not to qualify for at least one of the two programs, and several of our clients have been eligible for both.

To speak with a member of our team and set up a free Social Security disability case evaluation, call us at 865-566-0800.

For a Free Social Security Disability Case Evaluation for Lewy Body Dementia, Call Disability Advantage Group at 865-566-0800

The Social Security disability lawyers at Disability Advantage Group can connect you with the benefits and compensation you deserve for your diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. If your condition prevents you from working, we can help you collect a monthly check to pay your expenses. You do not pay us a fee unless we win your claim. To receive a free consultation, call our office today at 865-566-0800.