There are many medical conditions classified as digestive disorders. If you suffer from one of these conditions, a good chance exists that you qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). The legal team at the Disability Advantage Group, can advise you on applying for benefits and how to have the highest chance of approval.
Depending on the digestive disorder you have, the SSA may consider you disabled. However, even if you have a qualifying condition, your application needs to be perfect to win approval. If you leave out any important details, the SSA is likely to deny your claim. In fact, many applicants receive denials the first time they apply—even though many of them have conditions that qualify for benefits.
Whether you are applying for the first time or you received a denial and are looking to appeal, our accomplished legal team can help. We understand how to get disability for digestive disorders. We have a successful track record of helping people win disability benefits—even those who have previously received multiple denials.
We offer free initial consultations, where we sit down with you, evaluate your situation, answer your questions, and offer frank advice on your chances of receiving benefits. If you have a valid claim for benefits, our accomplished legal team can make it happen.
Let us help you secure the benefits you need. To set up your free consultation, call 865-566-0800 today.
What Are Digestive Disorders?
Digestive disorders refer to any medical condition affecting your digestive track. This includes your intestines, bowels, liver, and other organs. A digestive disorder can be mild or severe, acute or chronic, intermittent or constant, and can run the gamut from relatively benign to life-threatening.
Really, the term casts such a wide net that it is impossible to judge how disabling the SSA will consider yours without knowing the specifics of your diagnosis.
That said, if you find it difficult or impossible to sustain meaningful gainful employment due to your digestive disorder, you owe it to yourself to meet with one of our disability attorneys and find out what it would take for you to start receiving benefits.
We focus on helping people just like you get the benefits they deserve—and we are very successful at what we do.
Which Digestive Disorders Does the SSA Consider Disabling?
There are two ways to prove to the SSA that your digestive disorder entitles you to disability benefits. The specifics of your diagnosis and the nature of your condition determine which method we use.
The first is to demonstrate that your condition satisfies the SSA’s specific medical criteria for a digestive disorder. If we are unable to do this, we can take the alternative route of showing that your digestive disorder is severe enough that it limits your ability to work and carry out activities of daily living.
In an attempt to simplify the application and approval process for disability benefits, the SSA developed a comprehensive listing of impairments, or the Blue Book. This provides a master list of every medical condition that the SSA considers disabling. For each condition, the Blue Book also lists the specific criteria that must be present in your diagnosis to entitle you to benefits.
The Blue Book devotes an entire section—section 5.00—to digestive disorders. The diagnostic criteria you must meet differ for each disorder in the section. Our legal team is happy to go over this information with you and, using our knowledge of the Blue Book in conjunction with the information you provide us, determine if your condition satisfies a listing.
The specific digestive disorders mentioned in this section of the Blue Book include:
- Gastrointestinal hemorrhaging so severe it requires a blood transfusion;
- Chronic liver disease;
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
- Short bowel syndrome (SBS);
- Weight loss due to a digestive disorder; and
- Liver transplant.
If you meet the criteria for any Blue Book listing in the digestive disorder section, we can get to work right away gathering the medical evidence we need to show the SSA that you satisfy the requirements of the Blue Book. We can work with your doctor to get the diagnostic proof we need to show to the SSA.
If you not meet a Blue Book listing, we can still win you benefits by demonstrating that your condition is functionally equivalent to one that meets Blue Book criteria. We do this by completing and submitting a residual functional capacity (RFC) test.
What Is an RFC Test and How Will It Help My Application?
The RFC test offers an alternative way to show the SSA that your condition qualifies for disability benefits. While the Blue Book is a great reference, the SSA ultimately cares less about the specifics of your diagnosis and more about how your condition impacts your ability to work and carry out daily activities.
The RFC test, which your treating physician completes, is an immensely strong piece of evidence. It provides an objective analysis of your digestive disorder and all the different ways it disrupts your life.
Will the SSA Only Look at My Medical History When They Evaluate My Application?
In addition to evaluating your medical status, the SSA will also look at your income or work history when they determine whether or not you qualify for disability.
The SSA administers two different disability programs. The first, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), has work history requirements, as the program draws its funding from payroll taxes. Because of this, only those who have paid a sufficient amount into the system and earned enough work credits qualify for SSDI.
The other program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), is need-based. You are only eligible to receive SSI benefits if your income is below a certain threshold and you have little to no assets.
How Can I Talk to an Attorney About Getting Disability for My Digestive Disorder?
At the Disability Advantage Group, our lawyers can help you apply for disability benefits for your digestive disorder. Call 865-566-0800 to discuss your case.