SSD Benefits And Workers’ Compensation | Knoxville Attorneys Serving Clients Statewide And Nationwide

What resources are available to help you cope with loss of income after a workplace accident such as a broken bone, a head injury, a burn injury or an amputation? What about an illness or chronic condition brought on by an occupational disease? Questions such as these often lead newly disabled workers to apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

While the SSD program is a good resource for many people injured on the job, it is important to get experienced legal advice before applying for disability benefits. The Disability Advantage Group, is available to evaluate your case and advise you before you make any mistake that could hurt your case. The sooner you get our advice, the more options you may have.

Prepare Carefully To Avoid Or Minimize Offset Of Your SSD Benefits When You Also Receive Workers’ Compensation

After a work-related injury, you are likely eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. If your injury leaves you with a disability that has lasted or is expected to last a year or longer, you may also qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

However, the amount of SSD benefits you receive may be affected by your monthly workers’ compensation benefits. This reduction of SSD benefits is known as an “offset.” The precise formula used to determine dollar amounts varies from state to state. Clients of the Disability Advantage Group, receive the benefit of our nationwide experience as we guide them in tapping into both workers’ compensation and SSD benefits advantageously. A settlement agreement with the workers’ comp insurer may impact the amount of SSD benefits you are eligible for. For best results, contact an attorney for a personalized evaluation of your situation as soon as possible after you have been injured on the job.

Contact The The Disability Advantage Group, PLLC, To Discuss SSD Benefits And Workplace Injuries

Statements on this website are general in nature and may not apply to your particular set of circumstances. A frank conversion with a lawyer at The Disability Advantage Group, in Knoxville can provide you with the answers you need to apply for workers’ compensation and SSD benefits in your own best interest.

Contact us by email or call 865-566-0800 to schedule a free consultation regarding a workplace injury and disability benefits.