If you applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and received a denial, your fight for benefits is not over. In fact, if you take the necessary action to address your denial, it is just getting started.
Few SSDI and SSI applicants get approved on the first try. Unfortunately, many applicants who receive a denial do not bother with an appeal. They either give up or start over with a new application, which may not have a better chance of getting approved than their first application.
Rather than abandoning your quest for benefits or wasting valuable time by starting a new application, take advantage of the appeals process the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers. Through this process, you can submit additional evidence to strengthen your application, and you can eventually argue the merits of your claim in front of a judge.
You should also consider working with a disability lawyer as you undertake this process. The right attorney can help you understand what to do if your Social Security Disability or SSI claim is denied. At the Disability Advantage Group, we know what makes a claim successful. We want to put our knowledge and resources to work for you, helping you win benefits as quickly as possible. To schedule a free consultation, call 865-566-0800 today.
Why Did I Receive a Denial?
To build a successful appeal, you first need to find out the reason the SSA denied your application.
Denials typically occur for one of two reasons:
- The SSA did not feel you met the medical requirements for disability; or
- It denied you for technical reasons.
To meet the SSA’s medical requirements, you must prove you are fully disabled. This means your disability prevents you from working. There is no partial disability.
If the SSA based your denial on medical grounds, you must provide stronger evidence that your medical condition limits your ability to work. Otherwise, your appeal is unlikely to succeed.
Both SSDI and SSI also have technical guidelines. SSDI is fundamentally an insurance program. It requires you to have paid enough in via payroll taxes before you can qualify for benefits. SSI is a welfare program. It places caps on your income and total assets. If you do not meet these program requirements, the SSA likely issued a technical denial for your application.
If you are not sure why the SSA denied your claim, contact our attorneys. We can help you understand the reason for your denial and help you file your appeal.
When Should I File My Appeal?
According to SSA rules, you have only 60 days to file an appeal after you receive a denial. It is crucial not to let that short time slip by. Otherwise, you will have to start the process over. If you receive another denial, you will have lost out on months of benefits.
Even if you have not yet hired an attorney or do not fully understand the reason for your denial, go ahead and request an appeal with the SSA. It best to get your appeal on record, so you do not have to worry about the deadline.
What If the SSA Denies My Appeal?
The downside to the initial appeal is, like first-time applications, they have a low approval rate. However, you do have options if the SSA denies your initial appeal.
The next step in the process is requesting a hearing in front of an administrative law judge (ALJ). This hearing gives you the highest chance of approval of any application stage.
By this point, you should have a disability attorney working for you. Your lawyer is a vital asset when you go in front of the ALJ. They can help you put together a convincing claim and deliver it in a compelling manner.
How Can I Get Help With My Disability Appeal?
The team at the Disability Advantage Group, wants to help you win your appeal. If you applied and got turned down, contact us for help in the appeal process. We can strengthen your claim and fight for the benefits you deserve. Call 865-566-0800 for a free consultation.