What Does the Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA Do?

by Jan 9, 2019Disability Benefits

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The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a Cabinet-level government agency that administers a number of services for our nation’s service members. It began in 1930 when President Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill creating the Veterans Administration, a federal agency. In 1988, it assumed its current form as a Cabinet department and received a rebranding as Veterans Affairs. Most people simply refer to it as “the VA.”

Veterans Affairs handles a long list of tasks meant to make the lives of our veterans and their families easier. These include healthcare administration, benefits administration, cemetery administration, and a host of other services. Disability and healthcare are two of the biggest and most critical services provided by the VA. If you are a veteran who became injured or ill during your service, a lawyer from Disability Advantage Group can help you collect VA disability. Call 865-566-0800 for a free consultation.

Services Provided by Veterans Affairs

Many veterans get frustrated with the VA because of slow wait times and arbitrary standards when it comes to disability and healthcare benefits. But the VA administers a massive list of services aimed at improving the lives of veterans, and many current and former service members owe their quality of life to one VA service or another.

Health Care Administration

The VA administers a number of healthcare services for veterans, including:

  • Hospitals: As of 2018, there are more than 1,700 VA hospitals in the United States. Many veterans qualify to receive free care at these hospitals, whether the condition for which they are seeking treatment is service-connected or not.
  • Clinics: In addition to hospitals, the VA runs hundreds of health clinics that veterans can use for treatment of medical conditions not serious enough to require hospitalization.
  • Community living centers: The VA offers community living centers in many cities for veterans who struggle to live on their own because of injury, illness, or advanced age.
  • Domiciliaries: VA provides home healthcare and other in-home services to veterans who are immobilized.
  • Readjustment counseling centers: For veterans who have PTSD or otherwise are struggling to readjust to civilian life after serving in combat or suffering trauma in the military, the VA runs readjustment counseling centers all over the country.

Benefits Administration

Veterans who suffer disabling injuries or illnesses in the course of their service are eligible to receive a grant of VA disability benefits. A VA disability benefit grant includes monthly compensation, free healthcare, and more. For you to be eligible, a clear link must exist between your military service and a specific medical condition.

If you do not have a service-connected medical condition, you may be eligible for VA healthcare benefits if you served at least 24 consecutive months in active duty. The VA administers both disability and healthcare benefits to current and former service members.

Cemetery Administration

The Department of Veterans Affairs runs 135 national cemeteries. They are spread throughout the United States, including one in Puerto Rico. These cemeteries serve as burial grounds for many eligible veterans, along with their spouses and family members.

Other Veterans Affairs Services

The VA provides services to veterans beyond running hospitals and clinics and administering disability and healthcare benefits. If you are a current or former U.S. service member, you may be eligible for some or all of the following VA services:

  • Education and training: If you are finishing your military service and looking to transition to a new career, the VA may be able to help. It provides education and training services to help you develop up-to-date skills so you will be in demand in the job market.
  • Life insurance: Since their jobs are considered high-risk, veterans often struggle to obtain life insurance on the private market to protect their families. The VA steps in and provides life insurance to veterans for free or at a reasonable cost.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: If a service-connected injury impacts your ability to do the same work you were doing before, the VA offers rehabilitation services to help you regain your work capacity.
  • Job placement: Once your time in the military comes to a close, the VA can help you transition into the civilian work world by assisting with job placement. It can tap you into a database of available jobs that match your education, skills, and background.

To Receive a Free Consultation With a Team Member at Disability Advantage Group, Call 865-566-0800 Today

The VA disability lawyers at Disability Advantage Group want to help you make the most of any VA benefits for which you qualify. We connect veterans with the benefits they deserve and help with any VA issues they are having. We want to put our knowledge and resources to work for you. To schedule a free, no-risk consultation, call us today at 865-566-0800.