One of the most common types of injuries that can keep people from working is a back injury. Our backs support our entire body and are crucial to our ability to perform daily tasks. People who suffer from back pain or have a spinal cord injury can find it extremely difficult or even impossible to do certain things when their condition is severe.
A person with a severe back injury can qualify for disability benefits through Social Security. These benefits allow a person who cannot work due to physical or mental limitations to collect money to support themselves and their families. However, just having a back injury will not automatically make a person eligible to collect these benefits.
There are many back injuries for which treatment is available and can be very effective. In these cases, a person may need to rest for a bit, take some pain medication and ice the affected area of the back. This can dramatically alleviate the pain and allow the injury to heal. These injuries are often minor and short-term and typically won’t be covered by SSDI.
However, there are serious back injuries that are listed under the qualifying conditions by the Social Security Administration. These conditions, which can include paralysis, nerve root compression and severe scoliosis, can be disabling and require a person to make considerable changes to their lifestyle. The injuries can also be long-term or permanent and there may be no effective treatment available. People who suffer from these conditions often cannot continue to work in their jobs.
The severity of a condition injury is generally what the SSA will consider when reviewing an application for benefits that cites back injury or pain. In order to make a case for yourself if you are in this situation, you will need to compile all your employment and medical records. It can also be important to have statements from your doctors and records of treatment to support your claim.
This can all seem very overwhelming and tedious, but thankfully you don’t have to shoulder the complications of completing an application on your own. You can work with an attorney who is able to support you through the process and fight for benefits on your behalf.