Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can You Apply For SSI Online?
What is SSI? (SSI) is a government-run disability program. The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the program. Also, it reserves monthly benefits for those with limited incomes and little in assets. It is a U S taxpayer expense that provides financial...
Social Security Disability Appeal: What is the Process?
The process for applying for Social Security Disability can be a long one. Understanding how to navigate the system can be confusing and intimidating. Once you've submitted your application, there is no guarantee that your claim will be approved. What happens if you...
How To Answer Questions On Disability Forms
How to answer questions on disability forms To receive Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, you have to fill out a lot of forms. You can do this online, over the phone, or in-person at your local Social Security office. If you do it...
Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions
Many people think that a person must be physically disabled in order to receive social security disability benefits. However, you can receive Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions as well. There are several mental conditions that qualify for...
Veteran SSD claims: What you need to know
Veterans can get SSD help Veterans sacrifice many things when they put their lives and health on the line for the good of the country. For that reason, many programs and agencies aim to provide benefits and services to veterans who have returned from serving in the...
What is the Social Security Income Limit?
What is the Social Security Income Limit? Social Security Disability is there when you need help. Situations arise where an individual is unable to work. This can be for several reasons, from a mental or physical disability or because of specific health conditions....
Social Security Disability For Veterans With PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an unfortunate but common affliction among America’s military personnel. Unfortunately, this is an anxiety-related mental health disorder. In fact, it is resulting from experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or...
Can You Apply For SSI Online?
What is SSI? (SSI) is a government-run disability program. The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the program. Also, it reserves monthly benefits for those with limited incomes and little in assets. It is a U S taxpayer expense that provides financial...
Back Pain and Disability: Do I Qualify?
Disabling Back Pain If you've ever injured your back, you understand just how delicate it can be. Not to mention, a simple awkward twisting motion, or even lifting something too heavy can cause an injury. Also, one of the most common causes of injuries is motor...
Who pays the disability attorney fee?
Being permanently injured or unable to work can be a very stressful situation. In addition to being unable to provide for yourself and your family, you are at the mercy of the system to recognize you as being unable to work. This makes the need for an attorney nearly...
How Can You Switch Your Disability Lawyer?
When Should You Switch Your Disability Lawyer? Having a disability lawyer in your corner is a good idea, especially if you are filing an appeal, or have already been denied previously. However, not all social security disability lawyers are created equal. You may not...
What should you know about Social Security Disability and SSI Denials?
Social Security Disability helps and assists you financially. If you are suffering from a disease that made you disable, you can apply for SSI. Social Security Disability has some strict rules and regulations. Not all patients can get SSI. They get SSI only when they...
Social Security Disability, SSI List of Conditions and Impairments:
Many medical conditions or illness come under the umbrella of social security disability. These medical conditions included physical and psychological diseases. The social security administration gives the social security disability benefits to such people who are...
How to check on your disability claim status
Social Security disability (SSD) is a need of every person with physical illnesses. SSD provides financial assistance to such applicants in the form of cash. SSD has criteria on which they selected the recipients. They analyze their medical history and professional...
Is there a Social Security Appeals Time Limit?
If your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim has been rejected, you have a right to appeal. You can do appeal within the 60 to 65 days. In case, if the last day has passed away then too, you can try. But for this, you need a strong reason to give to SSA. If you...
What Is Considered A Disabling Condition By Social Security?
Social Security is the ultimate way out for the residents of a state when they need help. It is a kind of welfare fund that helps the needy and disabled to stand on their own and keep their life running. In the social security guide, the definition of "disabled" is...
Social Security Disability Back pay: How Long it takes to qualify for it?
Social Security disability is available for those who become unable to work due to a medical or a mental condition. There are many different conditions that qualify and do not qualify for social security disability. Many are satisfied with being able to qualify for it...
The Social Security Disability Waiting Period
What is the Social Security Disability Waiting Period? Many questions arise when seeking social security disability. The process is not common knowledge and is fairly non-applicable until needed. Many people have the misconception that disability benefits begin...
Are You Allowed to Work While Receiving Social Security Disability or SSI?
Many people think that they have to be completely unemployed to file for Social security disability. While this is a common misconception, there are stipulations that apply to working while filing for or receiving SSI or social disability. You can earn money and work...
Can a 100% Disabled Veteran Own a Business?
Generally speaking, a 100% disabled veteran may own a business and continue to collect VA benefits, but there are exceptions to this rule. If you receive 100% disability benefits because VA has deemed you unemployable, then you may not earn work-related income above...
The Complicated State Of Veterans’ Disability Benefits
If you are a veteran receiving or seeking VA disability benefits, you probably are already aware of the complicated state of the program. Veterans' benefits, administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), provide critical help to those whose...
Does Social Security Speed Up Wounded Warrior Disability Cases?
Social Security does speed up disability claims for Wounded Warriors. To receive expedited processing, you must notify them of your military status when you apply, and you must attach supporting documents to your application. It is also worth noting that Social...
What Types of Information Is Social Security Disability Looking For?
Filing a disability application [In Progress: link to] is a tedious process. The Social Security Administration (SSA), which is the organization that...
What Is the Purpose of the Social Security Disability SSI Medical Exam, or CE?
If you are applying for benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you may have to take a medical exam. The purpose of the Social Security Disability SSI medical exam is to provide the Social Security...
What is the Medical Vocational Allowance for Social Security Disability and SSI Cases?
A medical vocational allowance is a way to get approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). To get this allowance, and thus get approved for benefits, you must prove to the Social Security Administration (SSA) that...
What Are the SSI Disability Qualifications for Adults and Children?
Both adults and children with severe disabilities might be eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This program from the Social Security Administration (SSA) provides monthly compensation to disabled people who also have limited incomes and assets....
What are the Requirements for Social Security Disability and SSI?
To win Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you must meet two types of requirements. First are medical requirements [In Progress: link to...
What Are the Medical Requirements for Receiving Social Security Disability or SSI?
To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you must have a disabling medical condition that prevents you from working. In other words, you must be fully disabled and out of the workforce to qualify for benefits....
Is There a List of Conditions That Might Qualify You for Disability Benefits?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of conditions that might qualify you for disability benefits. This list, commonly referred to as the Blue Book, applies to applicants for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security...
How to File a Social Security Disability Application?
If a medical condition prevents you from working and you expect to have this condition for at least a year, you should consider applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The Social Security Administration (SSA)...
How Do You Get an SSI Disability Application and Claim Started?
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a government disability program for people with low incomes and limited assets. Similar to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), SSI provides a monthly income check to eligible recipients, enabling them to make up part of...
How Do Social Security Consultative Medical Exams Affect Disability Claims?
As part of the application process for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you might have to undergo a consultative exam (CE). The purpose of a CE [In Progress: link to...
How Can I Win Social Security Disability Benefits?
If you cannot work due to a disabling medical condition, you could be eligible to win Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two benefit programs for disabled Americans: SSDI, for those who have established work histories,...
How to Apply For SSI for A Child?
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a government-run benefit program for low-income people and their children with qualifying disabilities. The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers it and other disability programs. The SSA allows parents to apply for SSI...
Can a Bill Collector Garnish Disability Benefits?
Except in rare cases, bill collectors cannot garnish your disability benefits. Which Disability Benefits Are Subject to Garnishment? Disability income comes from two primary sources: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)....
How Does Marriage Affect Social Security Benefits?
If you are planning an upcoming wedding, you may wonder how marriage affects Social Security benefits. There are certain situations where both spouses can draw benefits. The following sections provide a basic overview. For a more personalized review of your unique...
What Happens To Your Spouse’s Social Security When They Die?
If your spouse receives government benefits, you may be wondering what happens to their Social Security when they die. These survivors benefits can go to dependent family members, but the amount each family member receives—and which family members receive them—depends...
Can I Collect Social Security From My Ex Husband And Myself?
If you are divorced and your ex-husband receives Social Security benefits, you might be eligible for benefits of your own, based on his monthly payment. Moreover, there is a chance you can collect your own, separate benefits in addition to the compensation from your...
Can A Husband And Wife Both Collect Social Security?
Whether a husband and wife can both collect Social Security depends on a few factors. The circumstances at play include what type of benefits one or both partners receive, their ages, and their total income. There are also situations where each partner is eligible to...
Social Security Disability and SSI Benefits for Autism
If you or someone in your household has autism, you might be eligible for disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) awards benefits for autism in cases where the condition causes marked limitations in one's ability to function socially and...
Is A Child With Down Syndrome Considered Disabled?
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21. It has distinct physical characteristics. People with Down syndrome tend to have round faces, flat noses, short arms and legs, and poor muscle tone. The condition can also cause intellectual...
How to Get SSI Benefits for My Child or Teenager Who Has a Schizophrenic or Other Psychotic Disorder
If your child or teenager has schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder, you could be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. You probably have a few questions about the process, such as: How do I know if my child qualifies? How can I apply for...
Getting SSI for a Child’s Sensory Integration Disorder
Everything we do—from eating and getting dressed to studying for an exam in school—requires our brains to organize and interpret sensory signals and apply them to the task at hand. For children affected with sensory integration disorder (SID), the brain's inability to...
Getting Social Security Disability for Tourette’s Syndrome
People who suffer from Tourette's syndrome often face physical and mental challenges. Common symptoms include facial tics, involuntary muscle contractions, kicking, foot stamping, and grunting. In severe cases, affected persons can engage in harmful behaviors like...
Getting Disability for Triple X Syndrome (Trisomy X)
Triple X syndrome, or trisomy X, is a genetic disorder that occurs only in females. It happens in utero due to an abnormal division of the sperm or egg cell, resulting in three X chromosomes instead of two. For some sufferers, the condition causes no symptoms. In...
Can I Get SSI Disability for My Child’s Depression?
Depression is a crippling illness. When it occurs in children, it can stunt cognitive, emotional, and social development. Children with depression tend to fall behind in school and have trouble connecting with their peers. For a parent, it can make the tough job of...
SSI Disability Benefits for Children and Teenagers With Anorexia or Other Eating Disorders
An eating disorder is more than an extreme diet. It is a mental illness that can require years of costly treatment and therapy to overcome. If your child or teenager suffers from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or another eating disorder, you might qualify for...
Getting SSI for Antisocial Personality Disorder in a Child or Teenager
Having a child or teenager diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder can put an emotional and financial strain on your family. People with antisocial personality disorder have trouble relating to others, often struggle in social situations, and can find it...
Getting Disability for Dyscalculia
Getting disability for a child with dyscalculia is difficult, but not impossible. Your best chance comes when the child has another condition on top of his or her dyscalculia, such as low IQ, ADHD, or a learning disability. Regardless of the severity of your child's...
Does a Child’s Anxiety Qualify for Disability Benefits?
Having a child with severe anxiety can place an emotional and financial burden on the parent. The condition might require regular medical care, medication, and various types of therapy. A child's severe anxiety can also make it difficult for the parents to work and...